If you believe in free-market economics, chances are you’ve wanted to read Human Action, the great treatise by Ludwig von Mises.
Then you went through the first 50 pages and gave up.
Or, having heard rumors of its great difficulty, you didn’t even start.
That’s a shame: Mises was one of the great minds we can boast, and it’s enormously rewarding to read him.
I have the solution.
Read Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action, the new book by economist and Contra Krugman co-host Bob Murphy. This is a tremendous primer on the thought and work of Mises, and will get you ready to go on to the great texts of the Austrian tradition.
Bob has outdone himself with this book. He has taken his place alongside the great economic teachers of the Austrian tradition. The abundant and enthusiastic testimonials make that clear. In fact, I honestly can’t recall another book with so many glowing blurbs from so many accomplished academics.
The book is $24.95 on Amazon. Here’s how to get it for $0.
Join Liberty Classroom at any membership level between today and February 29, 2016, and we’ll throw it in as a free bonus. Once you join, just drop us a line — with your mailing address — letting us know you’d like the book. You can even use our secret coupon page and get a discount and a free book.
Bob is our newest faculty member at Liberty Classroom, whose courses (which you can watch — or listen to, depending on your preference — whenever and wherever you like) teach the real history and economics you didn’t get in school.
Join us, and grab your free book. But hurry — when February ends, so does this deal.