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Ep. 425 Beyond Red States and Blue States: The Real America vs. the Televised America

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Politicians and the media try to cram Americans into two categories: red and blue. The real America is so much more interesting, says Bill Kauffman, one of my favorite guests.

About the Guest

Bill Kauffman wrote the screenplay for the 2013 Ron Maxwell film Copperhead and is the author of numerous books.


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Book Discussed

Poetry Night at the Ballpark, and Other Scenes from an Alternative America

Some Other Books by the Guest

America First! Its History, Culture, and Politics
Forgotten Founder, Drunken Prophet: The Life of Luther Martin
Ain’t My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism

Guest’s Website

Guest’s Blog

Front Porch Republic

Guest’s Archive

American Conservative

Episode Mentioned

Ep. 202 Ralph Nader on Left and Right (Ralph Nader)

Previous Appearances

Ep. 149 The Unfashionable Dissenter: Copperhead, the Movie
Ep. 102 Empire Corrupts

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