In this 30-minute crash course I’ll walk you through the simplest online business model there is. But don’t knock it: that deceptively simple model can take you very far.
We all know the routine: Dad (and maybe Mom) gets home from work and then it’s one child off to soccer and another to gymnastics, and homework and lunch preparation for the next day, and so on – and this is repeated day after day. It’s exhausting. Daniel Prince decided: this is no way for a family to live. So he chose a different path.
If you’re a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you’re just sitting on it, you’re leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I’ve been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at
Tired of big tech spying on you and manipulating you and censoring you? Federated computer gives you an alternative to all their services: Google, Microsoft Office 365, Slack, Zoom, you name it. Get your free 30-day trial at