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In one of my favorite interviews ever, I run through a lightning round of names from our tradition of thought, and describe their key contributions to how we understand the world.

Thanks to Keith Knight and his Don’t Tread on Anyone podcast.


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Books Mentioned

The Economics and Ethics of Private Property, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Democracy: The God that Failed, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? by Thomas Sowell
A Conflict of Visions, by Thomas Sowell
Man, Economy and State, by Murray Rothbard
For a New Liberty, by Murray Rothbard
The Ethics of Liberty, by Murray Rothbard
America’s Great Depression, by Murray Rothbard
Economic Thought Before Adam Smith, by Murray Rothbard
Classical Economics, by Murray Rothbard
Conceived in Liberty, by Murray Rothbard
The Unconstitutionality of Slavery, by Lysander Spooner
No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, by Lysander Spooner
The Problem of Political Authority, by Michael Huemer
Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal, by Ralph Raico
Intellectuals, by Paul Johnson
Modern Times, by Paul Johnson
A History of the Jews, by Paul Johnson
Art: A New History, by Paul Johnson
The Case for Gold, by Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman
A Republic, Not an Empire, by Pat Buchanan
The Myth of the Rule of Law,” by John Hasnas
Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt

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