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Ep. 1304 How I Got into Harvard

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Stephan Kinsella, the libertarian theorist and author of Against Intellectual Property, asked me the other day about my college admission experience. We are each the parent of a tenth grader, so the topic of college comes up in our households. I didn’t think I had much interesting to say about it, but we decided he would in effect host this episode and ask me questions. The resulting conversation turned out to be great!


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About the Guest

Stephan Kinsella is a registered patent attorney, lecturer, and author, perhaps best known for his book Against Intellectual Property. He is the Director of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom and Founding and Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers

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Guest’s Podcast

Kinsella on Liberty

Episodes Mentioned

Ep. 590 Take That, Harvard: The Free Harvard/Fair Harvard Campaign Gains Steam
Ep. 239 How Tom Navigated Academia

Previous Appearances

Ep. 998 Against the Haters: The Brilliance of Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Ep. 592 Five Mistakes Libertarians Make
Ep. 566 Why Are Some Libertarians Rejecting the Nonaggression Principle?
Ep. 557 The State’s Corruption of Private Law, or We Don’t Need No Legislature
Ep. 547 The Central Rothbard Contribution I Overlooked, and Why It Matters
Ep. 370 It Is Impossible to Argue Against Libertarianism Without Contradiction
Ep. 325 Are Corporations Un-Libertarian?
Ep. 225 Patents and Liberty
Ep. 127 Against Fuzzy Thinking

The Contra Cruise

Join us July 5-12, 2019 for an unforgettable week at sea as we set sail for Alaska!

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5) Free Books. Boost your intellectual ammunition with my free libertarian eBooks, including 14 Hard Questions for Libertarians — AnsweredBernie Sanders Is Wrong, and Education Without the State. Find them at

Audio by Chris Williams Audio.

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