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Ep. 1219 Jeff Deist on Social Media De-Platforming and the Truth about P.C.

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Jeff Deist, former chief of staff to Ron Paul and current president of the Mises Institute, joins me to discuss how we should think about social media de-platforming and what it means (surely libertarians have something more to say than “they’re private companies,” as if we’re never allowed to criticize private companies). We also discuss political correctness: maybe it wasn’t just about politeness after all, and maybe it wasn’t just a figment of the right-wing’s imagination.


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Speech Mentioned

Political Correctness and the Legal Landscape

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Mises Institute

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Previous Appearances

Ep. 1156 LISTEN TO THIS ONE Is the Term “Libertarian” Still Useful? Jeff Deist on Libertarian Division
Ep. 1084 Trump’s State of the Union: A Breakdown
Ep. 928 Jeff Deist on the Key Libertarian Mistake, and What We Should Do Instead
Ep. 833 Libertarians in a World Gone Mad: Trump’s Early Days and the Leftist Response
Ep. 714 Roundtable on Rothbard, Founder of Libertarianism (Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, and Joe Salerno)
Ep. 700 How to Create 100 Octane Austrian Economists (Jeff Deist)
Ep. 685 Roundtable: The Libertarian Party, Its Present and Future
Ep. 596 Libertarian Strategy: What Should We Do?
Ep. 500 Roundtable on Liberty’s Past, Present, and Future with Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, and Tom (Lew Rockwell & Jeff Deist)
Ep. 171 Ron Paul’s Chief of Staff

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