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Ep. 1033 Was Gen. Kelly Right About the Civil War?

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General John F. Kelly, Chief of Staff to the President, made some comments about the Civil War recently that sent the enforcers of orthodoxy into apoplexy. Here is our calm response to the controversy.

About the Guest

James Madison biographer Kevin Gutzman is a professor of history at Western Connecticut State University.

Learn from Kevin (and Tom)

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Guest’s Books

James Madison and the Making of America
Thomas Jefferson, Revolutionary: A Radical’s Struggle to Remake America by Kevin Gutzman
Virginia’s American Revolution: From Dominion to Republic, 1776-1840 by Kevin Gutzman
Who Killed the Constitution? The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to Barack Obama James Madison and the Making of America by Kevin Gutzman & Tom Woods
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution by Kevin Gutzman

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Episode Mentioned

Ep. 52 Secede!

Previous Appearances

Ep. 933 Now James Madison Is Targeted by the Iconoclasts
Ep. 856 The Thomas Jefferson Nobody Knows
Ep. 851 Thomas Jefferson, Revolutionary: A Radical’s Struggle to Remake America
Ep. 786 Why the Electoral College Is Great, and No One Should Even Think About Abolishing It (Brion McClanahan & Kevin Gutzman)
Ep. 595 The Constitutional Thought of Justice Antonin Scalia
Ep. 537 The Conservative Case for Hamilton Over Jefferson Is All Wet
Ep. 502 The Stamp Act, 250 Years Later
Ep. 498 Should We Hold an Article V Amendments Convention? A Debate (Kevin Gutzman & William Jasper)
Ep. 460 Jefferson and Jackson: Good Guys, Bad Guys, or One of Each?
Ep. 444 What Did the Fourteenth Amendment Really Mean?
Ep. 411 Hillsdale College’s Federalist Papers Course: Error and Propaganda
Ep. 369 Who Was the Real James Madison?
Ep. 189 The American Revolution: The Real Issue
Ep. 89 The Supreme Court and the 3×5 Card
Ep. 10 States’ Rights and the Founding

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Audio by Chris Williams Audio.

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