The New York Times warns the GOP that it risks a backlash from the public if it proceeds to cut a laughable $60 billion at a time of $1.5 trillion deficits and $114 trillion in unfunded liabilities. I thought that was the stupidest part of the article. Then I got to this:
“Michael Dimock, the associate director of research for the Pew Research Center, said its polling had found that while voters were eager to reduce the deficit, they also supported increases in spending on Social Security and Medicare and believed that tax increases would be needed to balance the budget.”
Increases in spending on Social Security and Medicare? $114 trillion in the hole on these programs isn’t enough for these people? And the tax increases these yahoos support would of course fall on “the rich” — i.e., not themselves. The rich, of course, have no rights, and exist only to be plundered. No matter that the top 10% of income earners are already paying 70% of the income taxes. Loot them some more! Get them!
Want to see just how delusional all this is? Read the free chapter of my new book, Rollback.