Tom addresses some common pro-government arguments.
For the full list of episodes, click here.
Ep. 277 Tom on Marketing, Time Management, and More
Tom shares a great discussion from the Robert Wenzel Show. Check out and .
Ep. 276 Crazy Entrepreneurs Make Things Happen
Linda Rottenberg , author of Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags , talks about the urgency — and possibility — of becoming entrepreneurial.
Ep. 275 Black Maverick: The Forgotten T.R.M. Howard
David Beito, co-author of Black Maverick: T.R.M. Howard’s Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power , discusses a forgotten figure of the civil-rights era.
Ep. 274 A Real-Live Tax Revolt
Jim Tobin of Taxpayers United of America recalls the Chicago Tax Strike of 1977, chronicled by Murray Rothbard, and discusses his 400 other successful battles against tax increases.
Ep. 273 The Case Against Antitrust
Tom DiLorenzo, whose books include The Real Lincoln and How Capitalism Saved America , overturns the standard narrative of antitrust and monopoly.
Ep. 272 Am I a Dummy for Believing in God?
Tom explains why belief in God is in fact eminently rational. (He recommends the book The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism .)
Ep. 271 The Truth about the Crash of ’08
Tom shares a talk he delivered at — of all places — the University of Colorado at Boulder, on the real causes of the housing bubble and crash. Check out Meltdown , Tom’s New York Times bestseller on that subject, featuring a foreword by Ron Paul .
Ep. 270 How Would Libertarians Deal With Ebola?
Economist and libertarian theorist Bob Murphy joins Tom to discuss disease, quarantines, and liberty.
Ep. 269 End the Fed, Then What?
Jeff Herbener describes the separation of money and state. Check out and “ How to Return to Gold ,” referred to in the episode.