I’m holding a webinar today at 3pm ET, and we’re donating $5 to Antiwar.com for every live attendee.
How do you like that?
From lots of libertarians I get all kinds of pretty songs about the free market, but as soon as you talk to them about the actual flesh-and-blood workings of the market, not only are they not interested, they’re actually hostile.
“I care about liberty, not marketing!” says Libertarian Joe.
Right. And how does he expect to spread unorthodox ideas without figuring out how to persuade people?
How does he expect to spread his message in this day and age if he has no idea how to create and build an email list or use social media effectively?
How does he propose to generate additional income streams so as to protect himself from the inevitable Fed-induced boom and bust?
At my 25-year high school reunion last November, I ran into an old friend who now does marketing for Proctor & Gamble. We spent half an hour discussing A/B testing, retargeting, and weird advertising tweaks that yield higher conversions. She was thrilled to talk about this, since everyone else in the world thinks what she does is boring or even underhanded, instead of honorable and indispensable.
Advertising, marketing, sales, traffic generation — these are all glorious things. They are disparaged by the left, and even, sad to say, by some libertarians.
If you like capitalism not just in theory but also in practice, then this webinar is for you. It’s not for Libertarian Joe.
If you think the market isn’t just a neat way to produce goods, but is an extraordinary social phenomenon whose inner workings are fascinating and not to be disparaged, and which you’d like to understand better for the sake of your own financial well-being, this webinar is for you.
In 2012, you could find Ron Paul videos on Chris Record’s Facebook page. He’s one of the good guys. He also wins every single affiliate sales contest he enters. I’m not kidding or exaggerating. He blows everyone away.
How does he do it? What are the key ingredients for success in marketing your own products and services, as well as other people’s?
I myself own two of Chris’s courses, and I have his membership software, too. And I couldn’t have mastered Facebook advertising without him. He is a machine.
For this webinar I’ve asked Chris to walk us through the fundamentals: building traffic, capturing leads, making sales, etc. I’ve asked him to offer suggestions regarding the most promising avenues for income generation online. I’ve been following Chris’s advice and doing quite well. I know you’ll benefit from his knowledge.
Click here to sign up, and I’ll see you there!