Last night I was in bed with a fever and my 9-year-old, put up to it by her mother, came in and asked if more cowbell would help.
Archives for August 2012
The Glass-Steagall Myth Revisited
The so-called repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 in 1999 is sometimes blamed for the financial crisis. Glass-Steagall was not in fact repealed. Only the provision prohibiting a commercial bank and an investment bank from being controlled by the same holding company was repealed.… Read More
Tolerant and Loving Left-Liberals and Chick-Fil-A
Before noting in the comments that anyone is within his rights to boycott anything, please note that this undisputed point is already acknowledged in what follows. Here’s the always sensible Anthony Gregory on the episode: In the last two weeks, we have seen the weakness… Read More
Those Empty Seats at the Olympics
Writes Chris Westley: The British Olympic organizers restricted ticket purchases, rewarded corporate purchases but not corporate use, imposed price controls on tickets available to the public and state violence against the resulting scalpers (touts) — and are distraught and surprised over the empty seats that characterize so many of… Read More
I Turned 40 Today
Now I Want to Debate Krugman
Like every other establishment left-liberal, Paul Krugman thinks the idea of state nullification of unconstitutional laws is so self-evidently stupid that he doesn’t even need to offer an argument against it. Well, I’ve listed — and then refuted — a whole bunch of arguments against it.
The Anti-Rothbard Cult
I think you’ll enjoy this brief, informal talk I gave last week at Mises U, on a subject we’ve needed to bring into the open for a long time now.