I talk about what I’ve learned over the course of my 25-year public speaking career, in the form of tips for would-be and/or nervous public speakers. Even if you’re never going to give a presentation in front of an audience, you may well benefit from my approach to persuasion.
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Episode Mentioned
Ep. 311 On Becoming a Better Writer
Platform Mentioned
Leadpages is what I use both for squeeze pages (the pages I use to get people’s email addresses in exchange for an eBook or some other giveaway) and other one-page sites. But I also use it for the “text the word BLAH to 33444 to get my free eBook” trick. Subscribe at tomwoods.com/pages.
Example Videos
And these two demonstrate the “greatest hits” model of speech organization mentioned in the episode:
Free Resources!
1) Free guide on how to start your blog or website. Click here to get it. Plus, check out my step-by-step video taking you from no blog to a blog in about five minutes!
2) Free publicity for your blog. As a special thanks if you get your hosting through one of my affiliate links (this one for Bluehost, or this one for WP Engine), I’ll boost your blog. Click here for details.
3) Free History Course: The U.S. Presidents — Politically Incorrect Edition. Get access to this 22-lesson course: 22 videos, 22 mp3 files for listening on the go, and a bibliography of reliable books on the presidents. Get it at FreeHistoryCourse.com!.
4) $160 in Free Bonuses. Free signed copy of my New York Times bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, plus a free 10-lesson bonus course on the foundations of liberty, plus a free year’s subscription to LibertyClassroom.com, when you subscribe to the Ron Paul Curriculum site through RonPaulHomeschool.com.
5) Free Books. Boost your intellectual ammunition with my free libertarian eBooks, including 14 Hard Questions for Libertarians — Answered, Bernie Sanders Is Wrong, and Education Without the State. Find them at TomsFreeBooks.com.
Audio Production by:
Podsworth Media