In one of my Twitter exchanges I came across a fellow who thought the vulnerable would be worse off under libertarianism since they’d be less likely to have access to education, etc. Since a lot of people think this way, I thought I’d address issues like this in this episode.
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Article Mentioned
“Origins of the Welfare State in America,” by Murray Rothbard
Episodes Mentioned
Ep. 1292 The Heroic No-Frills Private School, and Its Enemies
Ep. 802 Way Beyond the Roads: Libertarian Solutions for Other Parts of the Built Environment
Ep. 238 How Private Schools Educate the Poor
Ep. 71 Low Cost Private Schools in the Developing World
Ep. 53 Before the Welfare State?
Books Mentioned
Overcoming Welfare: Expecting More From the Poor and From Ourselves by James Payne
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? by Thomas Sowell
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Audio by Chris Williams Audio.