“Mainstream” Republicans in Iowa are tired of the Ron Paulians running the state party. Here’s their strategy, which from what I can tell they are advancing in all seriousness:
Led by Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, these Republicans want to grow the state party — one that ideological crusaders have shaped over the past few years — by bringing back into the fold pragmatic-minded voters while attracting more women and younger voters.
These Republicans say success would be Branstad winning re-election next fall and paving the way for a national GOP comeback in the 2016 presidential election by choosing a mainstream Republican in the leadoff presidential caucuses.
A “mainstream Republican” for president? You mean like the losers they’ve nominated twice in a row, who really helped “grow the party”? These are not fast learners.
Politico ran a story about the chairman of the state party, and actually devoted column inches to complaints that he de-friended some people on Facebook. The man must be stopped!
Critics are also upset about the Ron Paul Christmas Party, which the state GOP is holding as a fundraiser. It’s December 13 in Houston, in case you feel like annoying the Romneyites, who evidently learned nothing in 2012, by attending.